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01 ноября 2009, 03:18
Автор: buster


Alright, we all know the drill– in the 1960s & 70s,

writer and photographer Danny Lyon

made a name for himself covering the Southern Civil Rights movement,

and  went on to give the world 3 incredible works–

The Bikeriders,

in which he chronicles his travels as a member of the Chicago Outlaws Motorcycle Club,

The Destruction of Lower Manhattan,

documenting the large-scale demolition of our country’s greatest city back in 1967,

and Conversations with the Dead in which he photographs and writes about Texas

inmatess in 6 different prisons, Billy McCune in particular,  over 14 months time.

Yeah, Danny Lyon’s images have been shown again and again, but I honestly don’t see myself ever tiring of his work– it’s that good in my opinion. Enjoy the ton-age of incredible hi-res pics after the jump.

Leather, denim, rubber, metal, pomade, dirt & gasoline.  Yee-haw!*

"Cal, Elkhorn, Wisconsin" from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1965-66.

Danny Lyon The Bikeriders


"Route 12, Wisconsin" from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --1963.


"Racer, Schererville, Indiana" from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --1965.

from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon

"From Lindsey's room, Louisville" from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --1966.

"Racers, McHenry, Illinois" from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1963-66.

"Goodpaster, Hobart, Indiana"

from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1963-66.

"Field meet, Long Island, New York"

from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1963-66.


"Racers, McHenry, Illinois" from the Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --1965.


"Broken gear box spring, New Orleans"

from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1963-66.

"Torello Tachhi's back, Loudon, New Hampshire"

from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1963-66.

"Seventeenth Annual World's Largest Motorcycle Blessing,

St. Christopher Shrine, Midlothian, Illinois" from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon.

"Corky at home" from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1965-66.


"Jack, Chicago" from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --1965.

New York Eddie's, Chicago"

from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1965-66.

New York Eddie's, Chicago

"Andy, meeting at the the Stoplight,

Cicero, Illinois" from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa

"Benny, Grand and Division, Chicago"

from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1965-66.

"From Dayton to Columbus, Ohio"

from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1965-66.

"Memorial Day run, Milwaukee"

from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1965-66.


"Brucie, his CH, and Crazy Charlie, McHenry, Illinois"

from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1965-66.


"Cal, Springfield, Illinois"

from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1965-66.


"Benny at the Stoplight, Cicero, Illinois"

from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1965-66.


"Corky at an Apache dance, Chicago"

from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1965-66.


"Big Barbara, Chicago"

from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1965-66.


"Outlaw camp, Elkhorn, Wisconsin"

from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1965-66.


"Clubhouse during the Columbus run, Dayton, Ohio"

from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1965-66.


"Funny Sonny packing with Zipco, Milwaukee"

from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1965-66.


"Chopper, Milwaukee"

fro The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1965-66.


"Renegade's funeral, Detroit"

from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1965-66.


"Renegade's funeral, Detroit"

from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon --circa 1966.


"Four boys, Uptown, Chicago"

Pictures from the New World by Danny Lyon --1968.

Four boys, Uptown, Chicago*

"Three young men, Uptown, Chicago"

Pictures from the New World by Danny Lyon --1965.


"Chevrolet Nueva Casas Grande, Chuhuahua, Mexico"

from The Paper Negative by Danny Lyon --1975.


"Truck in the Desert, Yuma, California"

Pictures from the New World by Danny Lyon --1962.


"New arrivals from Corpus Christi"

from Conversations with the Dead by Danny Lyon --circa 1967-68.


"Hoe sharpener and the Line"

from Conversations with the Dead by Danny Lyon --circa 1967-68.


"Young man, Hyde Park, Chicago"

from Toward a Social Landscape by Danny Lyon --1965.


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